We stopped in a chute for the night after a long day of nothing but floating. We had a little fire and then listened to the soundtrack to "Across the Universe" while looking out over the most beautiful sunset. It was just another hot day that was unusually uneventful. The crew would come across one of the best towns yet. We spotted a park with grills and trailers at the town of Caruthersville, MO. Turns out they were just setting up for a three day cook off BBQ event. We hooked up with the “Boat Club Castaways” and decided that we should stay a few days and have a good time. So a kind lady Julie from the castaways took us to get gas, and then the coolest guys, Steve, took us to his place and let us shower. He then took us back to the park where 14 groups and tons of people were getting off with it at the cook off. They fed us some of the best pork chops and then let us stay in an air conditioned camper for the night.